hey folks. i had a bad day. i’d rather not write about it but i don’t want to get in trouble or something.
i will first go over my thoughts on the hiroshima museum. i was already pretty well-educated on this event but of course it was a lot to take in. seeing the mundane, everyday possessions of people and then reading the graphic way their family members found them never got easier. war is probably one of my biggest fears and while i believe the existence of the museum is a necessity, this did make it hard to get out of my head for the rest of the day.
the next thing i remember doing was going to another shrine, but i was so dead tired from all of the walking over the past few days that i didn’t see much. i’m sure it was a lovely place but all i really remember was the koi in the moat.

[these fish were so cool. we threw ants from the wall surrounding the pond and they actually ate them.]
everyone went to the main building but i hung back to sit down for a bit. i looked up at the trees. had some empty thoughts.

[this is your sign to listen to entomongaku by chypho.]
everyone seemed to be in a tough spot so we pretty much went straight to dinner at the special okonomiyaki place. mine was very good but i wish i didn’t ask for pork, it didn’t add much. this wasn’t my first time eating this and every time i just kind of fail to understand the hype. like, this is a food. it’s fine. it’s not like it tastes bad, but it’s never an experience that inspires a repeat from me. i’m never thinking “man i would love an okonomiyaki right now.” but that’s ok. i think it’s good to have some foods that are only meant to be tried once.

[this tasted a lot like the okonomiyaki at my favorite japanese restaurant back at home. i’ve actually been learning how authentic that food is through this trip, it’s one-to-one with all of my favorites.]
anyway after that i lost my actual irreplaceable train pass and had a really sudden panic attack. steve handled it well but i hate that everyone knows what i look like when i cry now! really makes you just want to go in a room and never come out! haha. anyway bye :2
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