i feel like i don’t have that much to write about today, hahaha. it was a pretty long day, not necessarily boring but not exactly fun either? basically, we were at kcg by 9 am so that we could begin promptly.
takato and kiri had a very loose idea for a game, and basically all they told me, cam, and jas was that it was a cutesy spooky game. and cam, thank god he’s such a good artist, absolutely CARRIED the art direction. he decided to make a cool ghost guy animation, a background, a second player animation, and i’m sure other things that i’m forgetting.
i was tasked with the user interface of the game, so that basically had me working on a game start screen, game over screen, game clear screen, and pause menu. i couldn’t do much since i needed the background cam was working on, so me and jas tried to do our second character since he was pretty busy.
our first attempt at a walk cycle was definitely… something. at this point it had been about eight hours so we were pretty tired and since neither of us had ever tried to animate before, the end result was pretty bad. but it’s okay, because cam stepped in and saved us.
kiri and takato didn’t really interact with us all that often, but honestly they looked so stressed with the code that we couldn’t blame them. at one point kiri’s friends —on other teams mind you— had to sit down and try and figure out a bug they encountered. they also had to force kiri to eat and drink, which was hilarious by the way.
and then the day was over. just like that. tomorrow should be shorter, we’ll finish up our games and then present them. and after that i believe we’re free, so maybe we can get a big group of us together and do something.