June 2nd: Today’s the last full day in Japan :(. While I’m sad to be leaving, I’m happy to go be in my own bed and be a hermit for a bit. Our plans for this day were to go to Unreal Fest and visit the CyberConnect2 studio. We all met up around 10am to walk to UnrealFest which was also in Akihabara .
UnrealFest was a little underwhelming compared to the size of GDC but it was cool. A lot of cool indie games. A small of group of us even went to a panel but it was all inJapanese so we only got the broad strokes.

At about 12:30, the event was kicking people out to go eat lunch. It was pouring rain ( thanks typhoon) so we wanted some warm food. Belle, Skyler, Pavel, Fabian, and I ended up going to this really good wagyu place where you grill your own steak. It was delicious and not too expensive.

We had about an hour before we had to meet up back at the hotel so Skyler and I went back to the arcade. We did not win anything but we did get some yummy taiyaki. So I had a good time.

We met up at the hotel to say goodbye to Toshi sensei and to thank him for joining us on the trip. Afterwards we went to the CyberConnect2 office to tour the studio and see their properties.
I don’t have any photos but the studio was really cool and seems to have some big games in the works. I did get a cool stamp though!!! It was nice to see what studios look like in Japan in comparison to the studios we have in the US. I’m also still surprised how common it is to smoke cigarettes in Japan, the studio had a smoking room for itself!
After our tour we were sent free for dinner. The school trip is officially over. Brody, Vincent, Esther, Maddi, Jas, Jess, and I grabbed dinner at Royal Host. It’s like a family establishment. All of us pretty much got steak and bread.

Here’s some puffy buns.
After dinner I wanted crepes, so I got crepes. It was pouring rain like hard so I ran with my crepe into the station and found my way home. I immediately ate and took a hot shower. I also took my down time to start packing and planning the route to the airport for Liam and I tomorrow.
At around 10pm, most of us gathered to say goodbye, say some nice things, exchange hugs, cry a bit, and finish the DND movie. It was an emotional night but I’m so glad to have made so many friends and memories on this trip. I’ll get emotional in my next post though.
See you later for my last post about going back to NJ. ✌?
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