June 2nd:
Today was Unreal Fest and a Cyber connect tour. Unreal fest was definitely interesting but most of it was lectures and I think I need to take more Japanese classes before I’m ready for that. Other than that we got to play a bunch of mini games that game designers were working on which was really interesting. It felt a bit like the end of the game jam if we had more time to work on the games and were all professionals.
The one thing about today that really stood out was the TYPHOON. The casual typhoon. My poor little vending machine umbrella couldn’t handle it. Not to mention Jasmine and I was trying to share this tiny umbrella the whole time. We were basically on top of each-other.
After that we grabbed lunch at Mcdonald’s (mid) and headed back to the hotel to say goodbye to Toshi Sensei ??????.
I managed to not cry (for now) and then we headed to Cyber Connect. It was really interesting to learn about the scale of a gaming company that well established. They had only about 250 people across Japan. They created the Naruto, Demon Slayer, and JoJo games. They also had more indie games not based off of anime. These were interesting because they explained how they must not only make a game, but a comic and maybe even a show to boost the games presence. The studio was pretty small but very informational.
After that the school trip was officially over. We were free to do anything. So obviously we went to a chain family restaurant for American steak. It was pretty good besides the fact we all ended up soaked by the time we got back to the hotel

Then we stopped at Baskin Robins as a reward for our typhoon adventure. I’ll let the photo speak for itself.

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