S’up y’all! Today was the start of the game jam, so there’s really not much to talk about!
I was teamed up with Tamura, Naoki, and Ryuki from KCG, along with Belle and Esther from RIT as part of team 3. The theme was “collaboration across cultures”!
After meeting up and brainstorming (and doing a fun little party trick I call “eating loads of wasabi on a spoon”, we decided on the idea of incorporating food in some way. Eventually, we came up with the idea of working at a restaurant, and incorporating learning each other’s language in some way!
After a whole day of work, we were at a pretty good point, but still far off from a playable game. After all, not much can be done in a 1 day game jam ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nevertheless, I did my best at helping in team communication, writing and translating dialogue, and gathering sound effects and music for the game. Belle worked on art, Esther worked on UI/UX, and the three others worked their damnedest in unreal to get this thing working!

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