May 27th:
I know that it is customary to take your shoes off in homes and many resturant’s here but upon entering the clinic we had to remove our shoes as well!! Not to mention they had slippers of seemingly only one size for visitors. Below are Steve and I’s new fashionable footwear.

The doctors was WEIRD. They looked at my throat for one second and made me put this tube in my mouth that blew lowkey gross air into my lungs?? I couldn’t figure out how to inhale it. They kept telling me in Japanese but I was so confused. Then they promptly kicked me out gave me a prescription so I guess it worked out. So strange, but effective??
This was my technically first day of game jam as I missed yesterday. At first I wasn’t supposed to go but working remotely was near impossible and I would have preferred not participating at all as I felt I would hold the group back and add little help to it.
Eventually, I was allowed to go! I met everyone and at first I was very concerned with the team that we had. It was one programmer and the rest were artists. The majority of the day Me, Emma, and Yume worked on character design for our American Japanese combination boss rush game.
There were really tasty snacks so I ate a lot and was exhausted by the end of the day! Some assets and food below.
Spicy little chewy flat thing Jasmines masterpiece
Yume and Ryusei were super amazing and I tried my best to say anything I could in Japanese but I’m not sure how well that went. Also, working together was super interesting because we were bouncing ideas around in English, sign language, and Japanese it felt like magic. How the heck did we do that.
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