On the last day of our Hostel stay, Belle and I had a biiigggg day planned. That plan being the Pokémon Cafe!!
Belle and I moved out of our hostel and dropped our luggage at the luggage holding area. From there we headed for the train station in Asakusa. We once again ran into the festival from my last post but we tried to avoid the traffic as much as possible. We went to like really small shop on Orange St that had all these old DS games for like ¥300! It was so cool. However the weather was hot, so we headed for the station to go to Nihombashi. We boarded the train without issue and got off at our stop. We arrived a bit early so we walked around Nihombashi.
Nihombashi seems to be a very business centered town so we really just saw buildings. Once 10am came around, we went to the the Pokémon Center! I spent a lot of money but it was so worth it. I got some goodies like pins, a nice shoulder bag, and a sticker! We also met up with Fabian and Pavel!

After waiting for a while in the line to check out, we went to the Pokémon Cafe! And let me tell you it was quite the experience. We ordered order food from the iPad and got it pretty fast. I ordered a soufflé pancake and a chocolate milk au lait for my first order and hot chocolate and the chocolate parfait for dessert.

We also got a dance from Pikachu!!! At the end we got some merch and headed back for Asakusa to pick up our luggage. After getting our luggage back in Sumida, we met up with Jess, Fabian, and Pavel to travel to Shinagawa for our first class meetup! Everything went pretty smoothly other than the train being busy. We arrived in Shinagawa and checked into our rooms.

After putting my stuff away it was already time to meet for class. Jas and I headed downstairs to meet everyone. As a class, we headed to the station to exchange our JR rail passes. It took a while and everyone was starving so at around 7pm we went to dinner at the hotel’s food court.
I have a side tangent though. This hotel was so extra. There were 11 IMAX theaters, 2 FLOORS of bowling, an aquarium, 7/11, multiple restaurants, many parlors, and golf simulations. It was insane. Side tangent over.
For dinner I got just a slab of pork and that was good for me. After dinner I went to 7/11 and got some ice cream and dango once more. I also saw that they had avocado Doritos and melon KitKats. I didn’t know those existed but they sure did!
After 7/11 , I went back up to my room, took a shower, and went the bed.
Next morning I got up at around 5am and decided to do laundry. The laundry was fine but the dryer was not the best. I had to use a hairdryer today my jean shorts.
After 11am checkout, Belle, Cam, Jess, Skylar, Liam, Chloe, and I went to the aquarium! It was really cool and they had capybaras! I love capybaras! They also had really cute otters that out on a little show for us. We were there for a little while then headed back to the hotel for class to meet.

We went to the rail station and went on the Sinkansen line. We waited then got on the train to Kyoto. Goodbye Tokyo! see you in a week!
The train ride was fine, it was cool to see other little towns outside of Tokyo. The ride was long but we had Zelda! After getting off the train we were greeted by KCG staff directing us to our bus for our luggage. We all packed our luggage into the bus and headed to dinner!
Dinner was at this fancy traditional Japanese restaurant where we had a 10 COURSE MEAL. It was so cool and such an experience. Pictures will be added below. I’m a very picky eater but I tried as much as I can to have a bite of everything. My favorite dish It was an amazing experience but I was so exhausted after the long day of travel and Aquarium and now so much food in my tummy so we headed to our new home for a week.
The new hotel is nice. The room is like a studio but with 2 beds. Jas and I watched some tv then went to sleep.
Okay! See you tomorrow blog!
Here are photos of Pokémon Cafe, Aquarium, Our hotel is Shinagawa, breakfast before the Shinkansen, our ride to Kyoto, the big dinner, and our new hotel.

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