today was yet another later starting day. man, no disrespect to yuko, but i could get used to this! my day pretty much started when we all got together as a group so we could travel to diver city. it was a pretty long train ride, about 40 minutes, but it also gave us a great view as we traveled through tokyo and its surrounding sub areas. there were many cool views we could look at while on board.
once we got to diver city we made a beeline for the gundam statue, which was actually really cool. it was like 100 feet tall and to scale. i could feel fabian’s smile and absolutely positive energy just radiating from him. after we took a couple photos it was inside the mall to get some food. i got these chicken bites that were pretty good, but unfortunately my appetite is small. i only had about three of them before i was full.
after lunch it was just meandering around the mall, and i knew i wanted to get a couple souvenirs here. as i was looking around i managed to stumble across gundam kitty and i actually wanted to explode she was so cute. i made my way to the actual gundam store though so i could buy my brother something. and then it was there i saw it. as i was riding the escalator down i happened to catch a glimpse of a certain logo.
the converse logo.
and for those that don’t know, i might have a tiny problem. let’s just say i have 25 pairs of converse— well, 24 before today. anyway, i immediately raced into the abc-mart and what did my tiny little eye spy? a pair of deep navy converse, duel navy racing stripes on the rubber, with gold colored eyelets around the laces, and a white collar with another set of duel navy racing stripes printed on it. i was in love. i needed them, and so naturally i bought them.
after that devastating blow to my wallet, it was time for a museum. and i gotta be honest. i kind of just sat on the bench with sten for a lot of it. i wasn’t all that interested because it was all pretty depressing stuff about how we’re killing our planet and other various things. it was fine, just i was too excited for what was coming next.
next on the agenda was teamlabs and that is probably one of the biggest things i’ve been looking forward to this entire time. it’s basically a glorified photoshoot space, but i didn’t care because it looked so damn cool. we eventually get to teamlabs but we were split into two groups and our time slot was the later one. so we waited for about two hours until we could finally enter.
but man once we did, my breath was taken away. the mirrors made everything so trippy, and interacting with all of the different rooms was so fun. i was looking around in amazement and wonder the entire time. talk about an experience. we took several group photos, as well as plenty of individual shots too. the people i was grouped with, matched with the ambiance of teamlabs really made it such a fun activity. i definitely would want to do that again (lol i’d do the entire trip again) if i ever came back to japan.
it was pretty late by the time we got out, so it was mostly just back to the hotel and off to sleep. tomorrow is the last full day of the trip and i can’t believe how quickly it already got here. until then.

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