waking up at 3:30 in the morning isn’t something that i would normally do, however, if it meant that i would be getting on a plane to go to japan? i think i could make an exception. i got essentially no sleep because i was so excited, but it was all worth it. my flight out of newark was pretty chill with no real hiccups to report, but it kind of sucked because i had a three hour layover in detroit. but once i got on my next flight, i was really off to the races. i spent most of my 12 hours reading, and unfortunately i only slept for about 2 hours.
here comes the fun part though, after my grueling flight i finally arrived! i got my bags out of baggage claim and made my way to the subway to ride to the hotel. it was pretty easy to navigate the subway system since it was just a straight shot. once i got to the hotel and checked in, me and katherine decided to walk around tokyo a bit until we had to meet up with everyone at 6. but this is where disaster struck… i had forgotten my rail pass at home. this was of course less than ideal, and totally threw a wrench in the plan.
after everyone else had gotten their rail passes we were released back to the hotel to get dinner. i decided to get beef curry and rice, and let me tell you, it was incredibly good. once i was done eating we went back to the room, and for funsies i decided to check my sketchbook to see if the rail pass was in it since my mom had said that she couldn’t find it.
the rail pass was in the sketchbook ???
despite being very lucky that i had actually brought it with me, i felt mortified that i had even done that in the first place. never. again. that was basically the last little bit of my day because very soon after i passed tf out. all in all it was a pretty alright day, definitely could have been better, but also could have been way worse. i absolutely cannot wait for the rest of the trip !!

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