no, not actually. today was just a very jam packed day in a short amount of time that it almost felt like the spirit of yuko was guiding us along. we set out for the imperial palace and it was something that i was looking forward to seeing because i knew it had beautiful gardens. so we started our day by taking a train ride and then walking a short ways to the entrance of the palace.
as we began along the path it was crazy seeing just how large some of the stones in the walls were. they were cut so perfectly, smoothed down so nicely, were even taller than me (cries in 5’2″), that i reckon they had to be at least 1.5 tons each. EACH. and there were thousands of these stones littered across the emperor’s property. yeah, apparently the emperor lives there and we were just waltzing around. granted thousands of people visit a day, but shhhh.
once we got to the gardens i was extremely happy because everything was just so pretty!!! i really enjoyed walking around and just taking in the peace and tranquility of it all. i got some lovely photos, and i’m pretty surprised at how nice some of them turned out.
after that we were on our own so about half of us headed down to shibuya so we could hit up a couple stores. me, jess, and skyler once again headed to a one piece store. and yes once again i spent an absurd amount of money. while there we happened to run into maddy, esther, vincent, and brody, but unfortunately maddy got spoiled something while she was looking around womp womp. i purchased some goody’s for myself, my brothers, and my boyfriend, and then we headed over to the mall where the rest of the group was.
as soon as we got to the mall i headed to the nintendo store to look around. i thought maybe i’d find something mario odyssey related, or something adorable that i’d just HAVE to spend money on. i found neither of those things. then i realized that i couldn’t find jess and skyler. assuming they left with the big group i headed over to the pokemon store. i searched high and low for something magikarp themed for my boyfriend but to absolutely no avail. i was truly gobsmacked. feeling dejected i headed back to the train station only to find out that apparently skyler and jess hadn’t abandoned me and were waiting for me at the malls elevators, while i was already at the train station. whoops. after we all got back in one piece 😉 i headed up to my room to decompress.
later that night a bunch of us got together in liam and skyler’s room to watch the first half of the new d&d movie. it was pretty outrageous, kinda predictable, but it was goofy and fun. i really enjoyed watching it with everyone, even though towards the end of the night i was pretty tired.

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