day five: hiroshima

today was a lot both mentally and physically. mostly mentally, though. wow what a day. it started out with a two hour shinkansen to hiroshima. it was pretty cramped because i was sat in the reversible section facing cam, megan, and fabian. but the company was companionable and i enjoyed chatting with them. when we … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

day four: zen sesh and tea ceremony

we woke up so early today i can’t even THINK. anyway today started out with breakfast at the hotel, and then a bus ride to a zen meditation temple was how we began our morning. a monk guided us through the session where we had two fifteen minute meditation sessions. i’ve meditated in the past, … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

day three: temple run

i’m currently writing this at 9:17 pm, and i swear to god i could pass out at any given second. this long and eventful day started bright and early, meaning i had to wake up at 6 am, which is extremely early for me. i somehow managed to stay conscious long enough to get ready, … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

day two: electric boogaloo

i started day two off on a much better foot than day one, not only had i gotten nearly 12 hours of sleep, but we had free time to do essentially whatever we wanted. so after hitting up the 7/11 for breakfast with katherine, checking out and storing our luggage, it was off to the … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

day one: my first day !!!

waking up at 3:30 in the morning isn’t something that i would normally do, however, if it meant that i would be getting on a plane to go to japan? i think i could make an exception. i got essentially no sleep because i was so excited, but it was all worth it. my flight … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

Day 12/13

The majority of Friday I spent at Unreal Fest before going with the group Cyber Connect 2. I am really interested in the development and the technology behind video games; I even enjoy watching GDC talks and the making of documentaries in my free time. I got to see how they used motion capture technology … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

Day 11

We started out the day at a mall with a life-size Gundam statue out front. While I have never seen Gundam, I loved seeing the larger-than-life figure in person. It even moved a little, lit up, and played voice lines. There’s apparently another one that moves it’s arms or legs but it was closed for … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

Day 10

I was very excited for this day because I had heard that the Imperial Palace gardens were pretty. The giant stones that made up the walls were incredible and the koi pond was mesmerizing. I loved the waterfall and all of the trails that surrounded the flower beds nextto the pond. One of the things … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

Day 9

For the free day in Tokyo, I traveled solo to Shibuya to see the Hachiko memorial statue and the famous Shibuya scramble crossing. I remember reading the heartwarming book Hachiko when I was around 10 in school. At the end I found out that there was a statue of the loyal dog in Japan at … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”

The Journey Home 🙁

It was an early and sad morning for me and Fabian we woke up at 6 am and took the train back to the airport. Where we then just waited for our flight. We arrived around 8:30 am and got to the self-baggage check. Fabian almost went through TSA with all his luggage but remembered … Continue reading “day five: hiroshima”