The Journey Home :(

It was an early and sad morning for me and Fabian we woke up at 6 am and took the train back to the airport. Where we then just waited for our flight. We arrived around 8:30 am and got to the self-baggage check. Fabian almost went through TSA with all his luggage but remembered we had to drop it off in another line.

After that issue was resolved we sat and waited. The flight was long but I did get a few hours of sleep in. Not much to personally say other than the in-flight meal was good. We landed back in the States where Fabian’s parents picked us up and it felt so weird coming back and having the public transport system not working at all there was even an older Japanese man comparing it to Japan and how lucky they are to have it there. I miss the place already and will be back hopefully soon.

Unreal Fest and Final goodbyes

On our Final day as a class together we headed to unreal fest where we saw some cool panels and I meet a fighting game dev legend Katsuhiro Harada the lead director for Tekken 8 and the past few games in the series. So that was cool.

After we made our way to Cyber Connect 2 developers where they showed us around their Tokyo office. It was small and pretty cool. Not my cup of tea in games but still cool to see what environment devs in Japan work in.

I went with some of the group to get food after. We ended up getting Sushiro conveyor sushi for the price it was pretty good. But moreover, we ended up getting together for our final time here as a group and just had a blast.

Museum and Art Gallery

On day 12 we head back to Diver City as a class to do some shopping and a tour of the Science museum. The museum was cool and a little depressing but the stuff being shown was very neat if I was 10 years younger I would be in awe.

What was really cool was the Interactive Art gallery at first going in it felt a bit lame until you head into the room of lights and mirrors. This leads to some back-to-back awe-inspiring experiences that are hard to explain and even harder to show on video. A must-see in-person experience.