We finished the game jam! Despite our very incomplete results, I am very proud of the amount of work we were able to complete in our limited time along with the language barrier. After a short recess, we went around and looked at everyone’s games, took a picture together, then headed back to the hotel. Vincent, Maddy, Brody, and I went back to UNIQLO to get a couple of more things before we went to the hotel again to rest up after a long couple of days.

For breakfast, I was given the special sandwich of the day once again. Honestly, I don’t remember what was in it, and I also don’t remember if I even ate it. What I do remember is that I was running late yet again, so I didn’t get to eat much before we had to go, so there is a pretty high chance I didn’t get to have a bite. However, I did get to enjoy yet another croissant, a fried egg, and some strips of chicken. The egg was a little too cold in my opinion, but everything else was great. I also had apple juice yet again. For some reason, apple juice is just better in Japan, so why not have it as many times as I can?

For lunch. we were given a choice between omurice and different types of lunchboxes. Because Toshi was unable to get the ingredients of the omurice to make sure I don’t die in Japan, I picked up the fish packed bento. It included rice, backed fish, some fresh veggies, some cooked veggies, pickled veggies, some kind of savory pancake, pasta salad, and a sui mai. Everything that I could eat was delicious, but the bones in the fish took me a bit off guard. Luckily, I didn’t ingest any, or else I could’ve died in a way Toshi was not accounting for.

For dinner, our small group that went to UNIQLO stopped at a restaurant in the same mall the UNIQLO was in, Aeon Mall, and had some ramen. The ramen there was delicious. I was a big fan of the combination of toppings on top of the ramen. The soft-boiled eggs, bamboo shoots, chives, and pork all went well with the salty but savory broth.

After dinner, it was time to say goodbye to Kyoto and return to Tokyo and visit Akihabara!